Home Enter the Way Walk the Way Complete the Way WTWT - The Book
Enter the Way
Walk the Way
Complete the Way
WTWT - The Book
Share the Way
Words Along the Way
NWNT -- The Translation

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Having entered onto the Way 
by having faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, 
and now having set out to walk the Way 
by living by faith, 
depending upon Christ as a risen new creation 
and denying self as a crucified old creation, 
then we are to share the Way with others 
so that they might enter and walk the Way too.  

In order to reinforce an understanding of the Way, the ten reviews of precepts may be completed:  
And further, there is a two-part review at the end of the book, Walking THE WAY Together, that may be used like a final exam. 

Having been discipled in the Way,
here is a guide that may aid
in discipling others:  

When sharing the Way, beware of two pitfalls:

Stand against the pitfall to "sing and dance" -- that is, to slip into the old creation and share the Way by means of one's own capabilities instead of by the Spirit.  

Resist also the pitfall to "wing it" -- that is, to wander from sharing the Way precept upon precept instead of by the Spirit who may be workman-like when revealing the Way of Jesus Christ. 


Have a great adventure walking 
and talking the Way! 

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